But those who drink the water I give will never be thirsty again. It becomes a fresh, bubbling spring within them, giving them eternal life. John 4:14

Water is life. Unfortunately, easy access to water is not a luxury that everyone enjoys. The average person in Uganda must walk six kilometers a day to get to drinkable water. Even then, it is hardly what you and I would consider to be clean. Their reality is often a long journey down to the dirty watering hole with their jerry can. Young children go to fetch water before school and are often punished for being late to class. Older girls can be raped as they fetch water late in the evening. Water borne diseases like typhoid, cholera and dysentery, and malaria carrying mosquitoes lurk in this dirty water. People get sick and then can't work, so the families go hungry. Some even die.

Mission4Water, a small Christian NGO, is working to change that reality for many communities and institutions throughout Uganda by installing simple and accessible boreholes and shallow wells. They employ local labor and utilize low cost materials These simple solutions bring the wonderful gift of clean drinking water, so helping whole communities to stay healthy, active and sustained.

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Bringing Water To Uganda

When you see a group like Mission4Water doing such powerful work to affect the lives of others, how could you not want to do everything in your power to help them out? That’s how each of the people in our little group felt. Worshipers at National Community Church, we found ourselves uniting in a stuffy office this winter, determined to help that inspiring organization bring water to the people of Uganda.

The seven of us intend to go to Uganda this August and join Mission4Water in digging a well. We want to show the Ugandans that we recognize their need and that God’s love for them demands that we make an effort to help them. We also want to leave behind the funds to build at least three more wells. Because, while it is important to go and work with our hands to show the Ugandans how much they matter to the world, it is most important that they get the water that they so desperately need.

If you’re on this page, it means that you share an interest in this cause and we are so happy that you’re here! Did you know that it only costs $4000 to build a well that will sustain 300 villagers? We can do this! We have the power to affect change that will benefit hundreds to thousands of people! It’s early days in this journey, but already we’re planning the Uganda Race For H2Ope on July 12th. There is a link to the right where you’ll be able to keep up with the details as they appear. Our dream is that it will not just be a local event, but that people will plan their own 6k’s around the country, raising money and awareness for the need for water in Uganda. Please pray with us as we reach out to people about this event and try to garner support and participation.

If you have questions or are interested in joining in our efforts, please use the link on the right to reach out to us. We are excited to hear from and work with you. It will take more than just the seven of us to make this effort a success. And it will be a success. Because it has to be. After all, there are a million things in this world that you can do without. But, when everything is said and done, Uganda have water!